News and Events
Grand Himalaya Treks and Expedition
Ascent of Mera Peak
3rd of April, 2015

After more than a fortnight on the lap of the Himalayas, the Mera peak expedition has come to a conclusion with the 2015 spring season's first successful expedition. 
The team has witnessed mesmerizing views of the Himalayas and journeying through traditional Sherpa villages, through flowery woods and meadow, across rivers, and up mountain valleys are something which will forever stays afresh in the memories. 
Coming across some of the affectionate human of the cosmos, "Sherpas" and sharing some invaluable moments together, far away from near and dear ones, far away in the land of Yaks & Yetis were no doubt the true highlights of this trip. 
For almost the entire expedition period the weather remained quite favorable to the team and Ms. Meagan Butler from Australia and Mr. Sonam Bhote has reached the summit of Mera Peak (6,461m/21,190ft) on 25th March at around 8am. 
Mr. Warwick Noles and Ms. Toril Pursell stayed back at high camp (5800m/19028ft) and spent their entire day pondering and marveling at the gorgeousness of selfless Mother Nature.
"Traveling is not just about reaching a particular destination, but more of the journey towards that destination."